
well, for everyone who actually reads these i've missed you and also apologize for taking FOREVER on writing this. But i feel in my heart that i should write about something so devastating to our faith, relationships, prayer, reading, and ministry (not in priority listing). So i would like to just take some time to encourage and uplift....i hope.

1 Corinthians 6:20 "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." (KJV i felt like using this translation cuz it's old school.)
Anyways that's the scripture for today, but i do want to say a couple things before i encourage you guys.

           It's so easy to get tired doing ministry, serving and sometimes being a christian and we think about our old lives and think about how much easier or more fun they were, when in retrospect, they were worse. much worse. Think about who you were before Christ, think about what you were before Christ...were you anything? Did you do anything remotely worth anything substantial? Were you good to people? Did you like people? Or were you an alcoholic?  Honestly the bible says that no man and is good and that there is no good in him alone. The truth is before Christ you weren't good and never had the chance to be good. But with the breathe of God there is a new start a fresh beginning, a brand new day!!!! Praise Him!

          I think we get tired and isolated and get away from the Lord and people, is because we forget what God is to us, we forget what He did on that cross as our savior, we forget the Blood of our precious Jesus. Also, i think we forget and get isolated is because we get scared of responsibility for us and other people's lives which cause us to retract into a hole and become none existent to the world aka friends, family and God...THAT CAN'T HAPPEN. People depend too much on you to let that stuff just slide. (I really hope i am making sense right now.) But the simple fact of the matter is, is that we have lost touch with our loving gorgeous amazing creator. We need to get back in our prayer closet, get close to Him and realize Oh God, how i have missed you and i can't live without you or i fail! I can't breathe without you! There truly is no one like you!

         So here's the deal remember the price paid for you we are not our own anymore Praise God! Because if we were our own we would be great without Him.Get back to square 1 remember the love once shared remember the joy the passion! the excitement! no more being tired! no more being lazy!!! time to wake up oh sleeper! Return to your first love friends turn back to the Lord and run with endurance the race that God has set before us...look if these are helping you at all, please leave some feedback so that i know people are getting fed by these things so i can be on the ball to write more cuz if not it will take me freaking really long to write one (like this one did.) i love you guys....

sincerely yours in Christ


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