
First off, I think introductions are in order.  My name is Ryan Hostetler and I am a new blogger for A Guild To Bring About!  I have a great wife and we are living in Atlanta, Georgia where I work as a freelance video editor.

Before I begin my blogging, I must say that I am not an eloquent writer nor do I have a PhD in Biblical studies.  However, God has been working in me.  Lately, He has been teaching me, inspiring me, and showing me who He is and what His will is for my life.  I have begun the process of learning what it means to love god and love my neighbor.

Some people write because they have found the solution and the correct answers.  I, however, do not have a lot of answers, rather I have a lot of questions.

How does one love their neighbor?

Who are my neighbors?

What does it mean to give everything to God?

How do I know and obey God's will?

So here I am in pursuit of understanding how to love Christ and how to love my neighbor.  The more I read the Bible, the more of my "how" questions are answered.  But as soon as I understand one thing I come up with new questions.  I don't believe one can ever truly understand and comprehend everything about God and His role in our lives. But the good news is that God didn't call us to know everything. Rather, God calls us to a progressing pursuit of Him and to be continually asking questions about how to live out our faith today.

“Not that I have already obtained this, or have been made perfect, but I press on to make it my own...” Philippians 3.12

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