
I spend a lot of time worrying.

Infact, if I spent as much time knitting as I did worrying  you'd all have sweaters... nice sweaters too.

But why do I worry? Why do we worry? What causes this worry... I mean obviously its the fear of the unknown, but why do we do it... Knowing fully that our worrying brings us nothing... one of my favorite quotes in a song is that "worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum."

Its True.

Worrying gets us nowhere. Its pointless. It doesn't progress us. Infact, it probably digresses us seeing that we could be doing something else... like chewing bubblegum... But more than all those things, I feel that worrying is a lack of trust.

A lack of Faith.

Oooh that hits me like the corner of a desk in to your forehead...( a story for a whole nother time).  Here I am just short of two decades old saying to the God of the universe- who was, is, and always will be... "Whoah... Hey man... are you sure you know what you're doing?"

When I was 8 years old I went to a high school foot ball game.  I witnessed two highschool students wrestling... I went up to the one that got beat to offer him some advice... It wasn't taken well... I thought with my two pee wee wrestling practices under my belt I could help him out... I think that's how we are with God a lot... Who am I not to trust God. But I don't. I take my own peewee understanding and make my decisions based on that. Rather than God.

I gotsta gets me more faith...

How do we accumulate trust and faith... is it like bookit! points? If I read enough bible will i one day have faith and not worry anymore? I don't know maybe... once again I'm a nineteen year old kid. But I think it can come through jumping.

Ah, the title Reveals itsself...

In the Bible, God makes us promises. And He keeps his promises. And God takes care of his kids. I think faith comes through doing what is right, and living on purpose. Going out... Loving on people... Yeah.  Jumping into God's word and taking up his challenges. Spreading his word. Taking oppourtunities and letting God show us how he beautifully orchestrates this crazy world into a masterpiece.  So go love.

Love is like Jam... so spread it.

One of my favorite movies is called Big Fish... if you haven't seen it... it pretty much goes like this:  the main character sees how he dies when he was 12ish years old and so he lives with out fear... and pursues a life to the fullest.  That's one of the things Jesus did when he came and died for us...He said if you believe in me and pursue a relationship with me I got you covered...

He told us how the story ends, so he threw out the rule book.

In those days the Jewish Religious leaders... became the rule police... There were complex rules everywhere... The people were walking on egg shells... Rules that God gave them to keep them safe had been stretched and morphed into this set of rules so complex that it was difficult to live with out breaking them... and so instead of playing the game people were making sacrifices and constantly cleaning.

Then came a carpenter.

Jesus threw out the rule book. He said I am the sacrifice... Its over, Don't worry I'm here... I'll cover you.  Now go live life. Jump Be free.  I feel like a lot of my life as a christian is spent not doing things. Instead of living. There are goals out there that are hard to reach and hurdles that are set pretty high... But what do we have to worry about?  We know what we have to do.

We know how the story ends. Don't worry, fill in the middle with excitement. Jump.

So yeah... There's that tangent. Be good, Don't do drugs, Eat more leafy Greens.


Silas James Mishler


The First Hello.


I'm at a point in my life where it is time to figure things out for my self.  I've really been struggling lately with what I believe. So I thought hey I'll make a list.

I believe that no matter what I do, If I have Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I'm good.

I believe that there are christians and there are Christians. The latter walks the walk.

 I believe that we were made for lovin' (thank you Rob Bell)

I believe that love is something more than we can ever describe.

I believe that the bible is a list of pleas and promises from a loving father  to keep his kids safe, and healthy, and most of all happy.

I believe that happiness is easy to come by but impossible to pursue.

I believe that in my life time the cubs will win a world series.

I believe that sometimes church is one of the most spiritually dead places.

I believe in the goodness of people.

I believe that the world is a spiritual battle field.

I believe that this small grocery store in south haven michigan sells the best poptarts known to man.

I believe in people.





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